Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Certain Romance

Hello people, it's the first day of the new month, February 1 2010, no wait, I got confused, sorry guys, it's actually Sunday the 31 January 2010 and it's been okay. I missed out a lot of lessons during the first month, like about 2 weeks due to chickenpox -.- But I'm recovering and there's a lot of stuff that happened since I last update this dead blog. But I'll just start with Friday.

Friday 290110

We were suppose to have Chinese during the first period, but It was replaced due to an examination O: Vacation Reading exam, fuck -.- I didn't even finish the whole book, I just read the first 10 pages and I went on FB :P So I just hentam, make up words and shit, cause the story is obviously about family and friendship -.- Lessons went on as usual, English was really a bore, so I tried to fall asleep, but teacher kept on yelling and stuff. After school went to AC, on the way there I met Daniel, ex-sriklian, my old classmate, he's skinnier now, damn :P Chatted and stuff, teman him go buy Ramli burger then I left him to go find people in AC. Met Chow Onn, Chen Hui, Kee An and Seong Jun, but sat with Jie Sheng since I'm going to FTZ with him later on. I saw lots of my classmates, girls were something like next to our table and guys were sitting way farther from us. I wasn't invited cause I'm not use to being with them, new class and all, new students :S I miss rho man! Fark! So anyways, ate Roti Canai, I couldn't find Nasi Goreng anywhere, cause it's been a long time since I went to AC to eat. Jie Sheng belanja-ed me, rich bastard :P Then teman him go play pool upstairs, I left alone to FTZ. Bought a com, sat next to Kenneth Chan, watched them played SA while L4D2 was loading, they played good :O Next thing you know, com crashed, WTF -.- So I had to shift to a new com and what you know, L4D2 was gone! Ruined my day only -.- So just played the first L4D, still have the moves :P CS a while then played COD4 with Jie Sheng, epic match man. Then we had to leave, went to school, watched the cheerleaders dance, stoned, saw her... Then Jie Sheng's mom came to pick us up. Reached the gate to my neightbourhood, sawAri there, invited him to lepak at my house, was fun tho :D Then he left so yeah, that was my friday.

Saturday 300110

Cool number eh? :P Nothing muched happened, went to Plaza Masalam to buy stuff, I went to the phone shop to check on the 2nd hand W980, it was beautiful :') Sadly I can't get it yet till my birthday due to my cheap mom -.- So played a lil' L4D2 on Xbox360, they were crowding behind me watching me play :) I was like the man for L4D2 there :P Left for home, ate Subway then off to Wai Tong's house, played PS3, epic games we played, loads of laughters :D Then it rained till at night ): So I didn' t go home, slept over at WaiTong's house :D Late night SA ing, but internet was slow D: So went to sleep.

Sunday 310110

Now blogging :D

Next update will be on monday.

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